120+ Videos On Cpanel, Ftp, Css, Cron Jobs, Compiling And More!..

Re: Internet Marketing technically challenged the Office of Aaron Danker training Wednesday, February 15, 2012, I hear the same questions again many newbies on how to set up your online business. Things like …

Therefore, I have decided I will put together a series of online videos to help beginners in dramatically reducing their learning curve and I finally raise your own Internet business and run much faster and easier.

After literally for months of hard work, I finally manage to create a series of video tutorials for you!

You will have access to a total of more than 120 exclusive training videos video … to start with the basics like registering a domian name and its rate of return on investment follow-up (r.o.i), mark your eBooks… and much more.

cPanel is currently the most popular and easy to use web hosting control panel account, period!

However, most beginners do not have a clue on how to use them. It might take hours to try to figure out how to use the functions.

But instead you hit while trying to locate the right learning tools, you can now have an entire collection of my hard-hitting video tutorials online, ready for you to call and beck.

Video # 1 – how to navigate around cPanel-this video walks the user through the media on how to connect to your cPanel account.

Video # 2-How to set up e-mail accounts-this video will show you how to create and configure your e-mail account.

Video # 3-How to configure Outlook Express-this video shows how the implementation of my Outlook Express email account.

Video # 4-how to configure Yahoo mail-this video shows how to set up my email with Yahoo mail accounts.

Video # 6-How to update your contact information-this video will show you how to update your contact information.

Video # 7-How to change his style of voice-this video will show you how to change the style of their skin.

Video # 8 – show how to configure Web mail-this video on how to create, configure, and use your Web mail account.

Video # 9-How to create email Forwarder-this video will show you how to forward email to another email address.

Video # 10-how to create an Auto-respondedor-this video shows how to create autoresponder accounts.

Video # 11-together-the default video messaging client will show you how to change your e-mail account by default.

Video # 12-create and manage your mailing lists-this video will show you in the creation and management of your mailing list.

Video # 13-how to create a backup and restore-this video will show you how to back up and restore databases.

Video # 14-show how to use the file manager-this video on how to work with Web site files using the file manager.

Video # 15-show you how to use file transfer via FTP (Protocol) of this video about how to use the ftp tool to transfer files between the server and the host.

Video # 16-how to create the subdomain-this video demonstrates how to create your own subdomain.

Video # 17-how to create an additional domain-this video shows you how to add your own domain.

Video # 18-how to create a domain parking-this video shows how to create a parked domain.

Video # 19-how to make a redirect-this video will show you how to redirect Web links to other different links.

Video # 20-like directory password-this video shows how to protect directories and files of your site.

Video # 21-how to create and manage MySQL databases-this video will show you how to create and manage mySQL databases.

Video # 22-how to change the error pages-this video will show you how to change the error pages that generate profits.

Video # 23 – how to install Fantastico scripts-this video shows how to work with Fantastico to install scripts easily.

If you don’t watch these videos, it may take several hours to find the steps to manage your cPanel account. (Of course, depending on your current level of knowledge and skills) is why spend the next weeks and months trying to figure out all the necessary measures so that things are going online-where someone can see shows exactly how to act …?

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