InfiniteWP – the solution

Having many websites is a job that requires a lot of attention and time.

Having the right tool to manage all of them and save time is something that many wish they had.

With WordPress managing all the updates, themes, plugins and such can be even a bigger task.

Having a centralized place where you can manage all your wp installations and stay up to date with everything that is happening in each one is priceless.

After searching for a long time for the right tool I have across InfiniteWP

InfiniteWP is the right tool for the job. It does not matter how much work you have to do in all the sites using InfiniteWP makes it so much faster and simpler.

The setup is a breeze, and then after setting everything up maintenance becomes something so fast and with a great sense of neatness and order.

You know what goes where, you have precise information on each one of your setups, you know what yo need to take care of and you can do it all without having to break a sweat.

Lets face it – life without InfiniteWP would simply be a bunch of passwords and URLs that need to be logged into and managed and keep notes and…. it just gives me a headache trying to think about it.

Save yourself the pain, get InfiniteWP and start managing your WordPress sites the smart way.



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