Traffic Generation Tips

The most important thing in any web business is traffic – lots and lots of traffic. The other 1% is what you do with that traffic, but if you have to traffic – you can figure out the rest. What you do with the traffic when it gets to your site could be any number of things. So, the critical step is to generate a steady flow of visitors.

How, then do you get traffic to your site?

These are the best and fastest ways to get free visitors coming to your site:

  • Web 2.0
  • Articles Directories
  • Video Sites

OK, so how do they work?

Web 2.0

By web 2.0 we mean any site where the users actually create the content. These are great sites to work with because they allow you to participate in this content creation. The other interesting thing about these sites is that all the search engines (including Google) treat them as “authority sites”. The benefit of this to you is that your content is now considered as part of these sites. By placing links to your websites in this content you’ve created, you get traffic from the site and search engine ranking for the keywords you choose. That’s the real benefit of adding content to this sites – search engine ranking means ongoing free traffic. How to generate web 2.0 traffic is something we’ve only scratched the surface on. I don’t want to be exhaustive – I want to give you an overview of all the methods…

Article Websites

The next thing we want to talk about is article marketing. Article directories fall under the category of web 2.0 sites. In typical web 2.0 fashion, article sites rely on user-generated content (i.e. your articles). Just as with the other web 2.0 sites, having your content included gives you immediate traffic and search engine ranking. And the hidden benefit here is that your reach grows as other people take your articles and put them on their blogs and sites. And in return for getting to use your content, these other users include links back to your website that gives you further search engine ranking and more free traffic. In order to get the most free traffic make sure you:

  • Figure out what keywords you want to go after
  • Write specifically to target these keywords
  • Use anchor text links in the article and the “resource box”

Video Sites

The last of this group is video marketing. Just like article directories, video sharing sites also rely on user-generated content. And it carries all the same benefits of article marketing. And in addition to this, because Google and the others love video so much, you can get listed for highly competitive keywords much more easily.

Here’s how to get free traffic using video

  • Sign up for YouTube
  • Turn off all the modules in your account profile
  • Add tags to your profile
  • Add a link to your website
  • Upload at least 1 video
  • For each video use your keywords in the tags, the descriptions and the title


If you want to get traffic to your site, then follow the advice in this article.

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