Online Writer’s Career Book 01
There are two options, either you are a writer and you would like to improve your online writing skills. Or you want to become an Online Writer and need to learn most things from scratch.
The Online Writer’s CAREER Book 01 is an extensive 28 chapters book which will enrich every writer’s online writing skills.
The Internet and YOU The internet is basically constructed from three main elements, a network of computers, search engines and text. Yes of course graphical design is making it look good too. But in essence text is what makes the internet work. The search engines will unlock the information you have written. If your text is NOT optimized for the search engines like Google and Bing, then nothing will happen to the text you worked so hard on. SEO text optimization is the key to your success and the Online Writer’s Career Book 01 will teach you how.
Search Engines Work For You You need to let the search engines work for you, 24/7. And they can. Even better they will. But you need to learn steer the search engines effectively. In the Online Writer’s CAREER Book 01 you will learn step-by-step how to develop skills to entice the search engines to choose your articles over other articles. More articles read, means more Dollars in the pocket.
I personally promise you that within one week you must be able to make your money back – the money you will spend on buying this book. You will learn all the…