Private Label Rights – IM Guru PLR

(Only Limited Time At This Special Price) Legally Copy This Business To Create Your Own Work From Home Income!

I’ll Show You Exactly What’s Been Working For The Past 10 Years To Earn Money Online & Guide You Through The Online Business Maze

Your Fast Mover’s Bonus Templates & Graphics (Get PLR To These Templates & Graphics To Sell & Use)

Have you ever watched the movie Remember The Titans starring Denzel Washington? It’s one of the best feel-good sports movies of all-time.

In the movie there is a great scene that really encapsulates the entire internet business success model that I want to share with you.

The scene is a neatly packaged, 30-second exchange between Coach Boone (Washington) and his assistant coach (played by Will Patton) at the beginning of their first season together.

Boone walks in with a very thin playbook and hands it to his assistant. This is the exchange that follows…

For over ten years, the success of this model has been predicated on “running plays, split veer”. Like Coach Boone, this model has found success in keeping things as simple and effective as possible. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. And if it can be kept simple, don’t complicate it.

This model has never involved in strategies that have Twittered or Butterflied. No bum marketing here, and no stompernet stuff either. Further, the success of this model has nothing to do with huge product launches or sneaking in the backdoor at the search engines wearing a black hat.

Sidebar: If none of that makes sense, then you are probably a beginner and don’t recognize some of the most popular “marketing” concepts of the past few years. That’s a good thing, believe me!

And, despite all of this. . . this business model has produced a huge amount of money for those who have used it, all while spending more time doing doing what they love than in front of their computers. The lack of work and time that goes into making this model work often dumbfounds others, frustrates workaholic affiliate managers and has been the source of making many families as happy as can be because of the many opportunities it creates for travel, vacations and adventures!

Why is it that those who use this model don’t have to scramble like everyone else seems to? Why is it that those who practice these strategies don’t get caught up with this craze and that craze, and all of the new ideas and software and schemes that come along? Why is it that only a few ever really make a lot of money working so few hours each week?

It’s like novocaine. It always works. This playbook has been working for well over a decade. And the results are staggering. What I’d like to do, is open that playbook up to a few people and show them the x’s and o’s so they can put the same game plan into practice in their own business.

It requires very little brain cell usage to figure out the answer to that one. The football is going to shatter the window upon impact. Unless your neighbor has some kind of government issue, military grade, protect-the-president glass, that football is going to break the window…

In other words, there is a duplicatable result. That is, you can reasonably expect to see the same result from the same action because past evidence backs up the theory. It proves the theory.

When anyone finds a method for achieving a desired result, they simply repeat the method any time they want to duplicate the result.

There is a reason why the same people continue to use the same system to generate sales that worked years ago (and every day since!) even though so much has changed on the Internet.

This model generates a duplicatable result. Just like throwing a football through a window. Just like novocaine. Give it time and it always works.

Back to that playbook that works every time. Wouldn’t you like to get your hands on it for just a few minutes to check out what’s inside?

For the first time ever, everything that is involved in this success model has been arranged into ONE duplicatable system that even beginners can follow.

You can begin “copying” this entire business system today. You will be shown how to start from scratch (just like others have!) and build your own internet business over the days, weeks, months and years to come.

You will see EXACTLY how you can duplicate this business. You get access to the exact system used by a select few so you can “copy” your way to success. The exact system!

Just remember, everyone starts out as a beginner, just like you. The lessons in this model take into account exactly what you’re facing and what you need, because at some point everyone had to do what you have to do….(Only Limited Time At This Special Price) Legally Copy This Business To Create Your Own Work From Home Income!

I’ll Show You Exactly What’s Been Working For The Past 10 Years To Earn Money Online & Guide You Through The Online Business Maze

Your Fast Mover’s Bonus Templates & Graphics (Get PLR To These Templates & Graphics To Sell & Use)

Have you ever watched the movie Remember The Titans starring Denzel Washington? It’s one of the best feel-good sports movies of all-time.

In the movie there is a great scene that really encapsulates the entire internet business success model that I want to share with you.

The scene is a neatly packaged, 30-second exchange between Coach Boone (Washington) and his assistant coach (played by Will Patton) at the beginning of their first season together.

Boone walks in with a very thin playbook and hands it to his assistant. This is the exchange that follows…

For over ten years, the success of this model has been predicated on “running plays, split veer”. Like Coach Boone, this model has found success in keeping things as simple and effective as possible. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. And if it can be kept simple, don’t complicate it.

This model has never involved in strategies that have Twittered or Butterflied. No bum marketing here, and no stompernet stuff either. Further, the success of this model has nothing to do with huge product launches or sneaking in the backdoor at the search engines wearing a black hat.

Sidebar: If none of that makes sense, then you are probably a beginner and don’t recognize some of the most popular “marketing” concepts of the past few years. That’s a good thing, believe me!

And, despite all of this. . . this business model has produced a huge amount of money for those who have used it, all while spending more time doing doing what they love than in front of their computers. The lack of work and time that goes into making this model work often dumbfounds others, frustrates workaholic affiliate managers and has been the source of making many families as happy as can be because of the many opportunities it creates for travel, vacations and adventures!

Why is it that those who use this model don’t have to scramble like everyone else seems to? Why is it that those who practice these strategies don’t get caught up with this craze and that craze, and all of the new ideas and software and schemes that come along? Why is it that only a few ever really make a lot of money working so few hours each week?

It’s like novocaine. It always works. This playbook has been working for well over a decade. And the results are staggering. What I’d like to do, is open that playbook up to a few people and show them the x’s and o’s so they can put the same game plan into practice in their own business.

It requires very little brain cell usage to figure out the answer to that one. The football is going to shatter the window upon impact. Unless your neighbor has some kind of government issue, military grade, protect-the-president glass, that football is going to break the window…

In other words, there is a duplicatable result. That is, you can reasonably expect to see the same result from the same action because past evidence backs up the theory. It proves the theory.

When anyone finds a method for achieving a desired result, they simply repeat the method any time they want to duplicate the result.

There is a reason why the same people continue to use the same system to generate sales that worked years ago (and every day since!) even though so much has changed on the Internet.

This model generates a duplicatable result. Just like throwing a football through a window. Just like novocaine. Give it time and it always works.

Back to that playbook that works every time. Wouldn’t you like to get your hands on it for just a few minutes to check out what’s inside?

For the first time ever, everything that is involved in this success model has been arranged into ONE duplicatable system that even beginners can follow.

You can begin “copying” this entire business system today. You will be shown how to start from scratch (just like others have!) and build your own internet business over the days, weeks, months and years to come.

You will see EXACTLY how you can duplicate this business. You get access to the exact system used by a select few so you can “copy” your way to success. The exact system!

Just remember, everyone starts out as a beginner, just like you. The lessons in this model take into account exactly what you’re facing and what you need, because at some point everyone had to do what you have to do….

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