Property Tax Appeals – Property Tax Reduction
Here’s a shortcut for lowering your property taxes. The facts haven’t changed … property tax assessments are often hastily arrived at and can contain glaring errors. From a real estate appraisers standpoint, I show you how to get the facts, boil down the essential adjustments to determine if you have a case and then how to use that evidence to win an appeal.
The National Taxpayers Union writes that as many as 60% of all homeowners are over-assessed and not in line with their home value. (“How To Fight Property Taxes” 2004 p.1
Consumer Reports has published that property tax records show an error rate of 40% exists in estimating property taxes. (Nov.1992 v57 nil p.723)
If you are serious about appealing your property taxes, you’ll want A definitive guide to Property Values and Adjustments to use for differences in square footage, age of comparables, location, thing one comparable has and the other lacks such as number of garages, decks … and … over 20 other adjustment categories you can use in order to Win your Real Estate Property Tax Reduction Appeal … we have the exact resource that will help you deliver a compelling written appeal with the right adjustments and necessary elements that make sense to the Tax Assessor as well as to the Municipal Court of Appeals and that has the extremely high chance of winning.
Use this comprehensive, logical itemized workbook while using our advice! I’ve written and rewritten the Real Estate Tax Reduction User Guide to be intuitive and…